The death of a pet can be heart wrenching for anyone, and older adults are no exception. Especially for those living alone, pets serve as primary sources of companionship, comfort, and affection. They are often considered family members. This deep bond can make the loss of a pet feel as intense as losing a human loved one.
Unfortunately, grief about a pet’s death often goes unrecognized or is dismissed as less consequential than other losses.If your loved one has lost a pet, they may not want to share their feelings for fear of being judged. But when pain goes unacknowledged, it tends to feel even worse.
Consider how you can help them during this tender time:
Validate emotions. Let your loved one share their feelings freely. Hold back from trying to fix their pain. Your intentions are good, but what’s more valuable is to offer them understanding and validation. If they have trouble opening up, start with asking them to share stories about the pet.
Honor the pet. Brainstorm together what would feel most meaningful in memoriam. Perhaps they’d like to hold a simple ceremony and share memories of their pet. Or to preserve something special in their home, such as a collar or framed picture, to maintain a feeling of connection.
Find support. Seek out a local or online pet loss support group where your loved one can join with others who understand what they’re going through. Grief counseling may even be appropriate.
Consider donating. If finances permit, making a donation to an animal charity in the pet’s name can help channel the sadness into a positive action. Pass on favorite toys or blankets to a friend’s pet or a shelter.
Continue to check in with your loved one about how they are feeling. This is important even months after the loss. Offer a kind and compassionate ear. The grief process cannot be hurried.
This post is brought to you by Guardian Angel Hospice.
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